Saturday, 28 April 2012

Man not in Alora

Man Not In Alora

Not in Alora. I'm in Brum. We left in sunny warm weather. The rain is moving in here for the rest of the week. I am being pursued by the lawyer/neighbour. Can't wait to get back. Our heating here is haunted. It comes on and off at will; in fact it's always on and probably has been all the 6 weeks we've been away. !!
Good to see Jeremy Hunt in the shit. I believe we all knew he was Murdoch's poodle at the time so why wasn't more made of the allegations then?
Has anybody asked the people of Stoke on Trent how they feel about a bunch of cockneys being dumped on them?
More from Spain next week.


Who Sir? Me Sir?

Who Sir?
                           Me Sir?

Thursday, 19 April 2012

The Law in Spain

The Law in Spain

The trouble with the law in Spain is that there are too many lawyers. This is a problem all across Spain and now that the construction boom and property market have collapsed they don't have much to do apart from spending all the cash they made during the good times. Some of them are on the run and are often spòtted in far away places living it up. To return to Spain would mean prison sentences. But not long ones. Lawyers will keep the case in the courts for years and they will probably be able to take up their previous jobs while awaiting trial.
Lawyers tend to have lots of useful contacts which are called 'enchufes' which means 'plug sockets'.  They are also often owed many favours.

The problem of a surfeit of lawyers is has personally manifested itself by two of them buying up the land which surrounds our olive grove. The latest owner wants us off the land and has tried to buy us out, He is also trying to buy out his colleague who will probably sell if the price is high enough. We just want to grow olives and enjoy the views in one of the most beautiful natural areas in Andalucía. He has also decided the boundary between our properties needs changing. If he gets away with it (and why shouldn't he?) our water supply will be on his land. What a surprise!

Many foreigners living in Spain came here believing that as 'we're all in Europe now' the laws would the same as in the UK. Oh dear.
It appears that if someone steals from another person it is not a crime if he did not intend to keep the proceeds for himself. Strange but true.


Tuesday, 17 April 2012

The Attack of the Red Palm Weevil

The Attack of the Red Palm Weevil

Today I drove from Alora to Casarabonela and I was struck by the increase in sickly or dead palm trees. The only one on Calle Ancha here has recently been affected and just a stump remains. It is depressing to see an affected tree. The branches start to droop until every one flops down and falls off. All that can be done is to chop down the tree and burn it. This will not save the tree.
The Red Palm Weevil has come to Spain by importation of palms from Egypt. The spread  of the weevil has been traced back to Saudi Arabia. Now it is spreading through Spain and southern Europe.
Insecticides have been ineffective; only slowing down the life cycle of the weevil. Even burning is not the answer as the weevils escape the fire and attack other trees.
The importation and exportation of palm trees is multi million pound business.
An infected palm tree may show no signs until a few leaves turn yellow and droop. By this time the weevils have eaten into the heart of the tree which has effectively been eaten from the inside.

My visit to Casarabonela was to meet an estate agent who had recently sold the property adjoining our olive grove to a Spanish lawyer as a second home. The new owner wanted to buy our land but we turned him down. Now he is trying to redraw the boundaries to gain land from us. Land boundaries here are very often vague and agreed by the respective owners but when land is bought or sold the fun starts. Apparently this chap is a big shot lawyer and so I expect he will get anything he wants. We'll see.

Not a good week so far. I tried to return two low energy long life light bulbs yesterday which had lasted 3 weeks. No joy. ´no guarantee on light bulbs' even though it says on the packet they will last 10,000 hours. I ended up arguing with the salesman and his boss whom I referred to as a 'sin verguenza' which it appears is a grave insult. The police were threatened and we left the shop.


Sunday, 15 April 2012

Britlife 1

Britlife (1)

On Saturday we were invited to a 'Divorce Party' at Bar Las Tapas (original name for a bar or what?). Only one of the divorced parties was there until 11.30 when D turned up and took the opportunity to 'tell me all the reasons for the things he did' (Paul Simon). I'd already had too much wine (1st. glass free and plate of curry or chilli con carne) to care. The usual Brits were there and two or three accidental Perotes. A.T. asked what was going on. ' Half the colony seems to be here'. 'Is this normal with you lot? Pedro Almodover (no relation) was his usual Saturday pissed and didn't notice anything unusual.
Bar Las Tapas is run by S and R, one English woman and one Spanish. Before that it was owned by Gary from Salford (Kung Fu lessons upstairs) and before that by Lars,a dour Swede who served lovely food and the bar was called 'Bar Correos' because it was previously the Post Office. At last at least half of the  owners is a local person.

Bar note

Nearly all the bars in Alora are owned by landlords who rent out the premises. The 'owners' of the bar pay rent and for any fixtures and fittings they put in and wages for any staff (eg. a cook) they employ. If the bar does well everybody is happy. If not the landlord can close the bar if the rent is not paid. Usually all the new improvements are negotiated  into the price charged to the new 'owner'. Often the old owners just walk away. These days opening a bar is a risky business.  See 'Bar Wars' in the next Blog.

This evening Jesus de las Torres who was transpòrted up to the castle on the shoulders of strapping Paras on Good Friday was brought down Calle Ancha (Broad Street) accompanied by a band and a small crowd of admirers. Destination, the Church of the Encarnación in the Plaza Baja de la Despedía where he will stay until called upon next Semana Santa.


Thursday, 12 April 2012

Post Semana Santa doldrums

Post Semana Santa Doldrums

I'm getting a bit fed up with the screeching tyres as cars round the corner onto our street. The wax from a thousand marching candles has been spread by vehicles all round the town, making driving down the steep streets hazardous and the screeching of tyres ubiquitous.
Spring is making slow progress. We have April showers every few days and some strong winds. The Levante (easterly) was predominant the week before last and brought clouds and rain along the Costa del Sol. The wind rips the sand off the holiday beaches every year and has to be replaced for the summer season.
Spain's economy is getting  a lot of coverage even in the Guardian. Spain has complied with all the EU demands on spending and has  not had a sizeable sovereign debt yet it is in deep shit and trading insults with Italy. Guardian quotes 'more pain for Spain' Brilliant.
Had filetitos de pollo last night at Bar Las Dos Fuentes in the plaza. Very nice but marred by 10€ shortage in the change. This was left unresolved.


Saturday, 7 April 2012

All the Excitement is Over

All The Excitement is Over

All the excitement is over now. Candlelit processions all around town last night. The last one, Soledad, set off at midnight and passed our bedroom window at about 2.00am. The candles are special marching candles. They spill molten wax all over the roads and today the town was full of screeching car tyres on the now dangerous surface.
Only Domingo de Resurreccíon to go now. Santisimo Cristo Resucitado will set out at 11.00 with a band and a retinue of local worthies. The people of Álora and vey interested is this procession. Very few people turn up. After all,Semana Santa in Andalucia is all about death and sadness.
Today the bar owners are reasonably happy with the takings so far. Yesterday's rain was a blow but compared to last year, when virtually all the week was cancelled, they have cleaned up.

After 7 years waiting to be able to use a  garage we bought in a new apartment block I have a key for the front door but not for the garage which is still unusable. Some condsiderable progress in my view. Tomorrow we will go back with a torch and have a look round. All I had to do was to go to the Feretería Herradura (Ironmonger) and ask for a key. It cost 1€.
'Why did you let me have a key without any ID or proof of ownership?'
'Pablo said you'd be coming in for a key.'
'How many people have got keys to the apartments?´
'No idea'.

I didn't bother asking why he had the keys. It has been a week of mysteries.

No sign of Easter eggs but some chocolate bunnies are for sale in Mercadona.

Friday, 6 April 2012

Semana Santa in Alora

Semana Santa in Alora

Viernes Santa. (Good Friday) So far so good. Last night mostly cancelled because rain was forecast. Today Álora's star turn, the 'Despedía' took place on time in warm sunshine after Jesus de las Torres (Jesus of the castle) and Dolores Coronada  had progressed through the town to the delight of thousands of extatic fans. The bars were full and serving raciones of calamares, rosada, magro in tomate, jibia, gambas pil pil etc. as fast as they could be produced by kitchens which had tripled their staff for a day. I had one of calamares, very tender, at Bar Alegría and rosada, juicy and tasty at Bar Los Dos Caballos.
Then the rain arrived and drenched the town.
Temporary bars and Ice Cream stands have appeared all over the place. Everyone wants to cash in on the crowds that come to Álora this week. Many of them are Perotes (Aloraneans) who live in other towns and come bak each year for this, the most important of all the festivals we have here (and there are many).
Will tonight's processions take place? 'Depende de Dios', but rain looks possible. As they say: 'En Abril, aguas mil.´
Bar Perosia is well and truly shut. Will Ray come to claim his investment?
Will the new swimming pool ever open?
Will we ever be able to put our car in our garage.
Watch this space.
