Thursday 19 April 2012

The Law in Spain

The Law in Spain

The trouble with the law in Spain is that there are too many lawyers. This is a problem all across Spain and now that the construction boom and property market have collapsed they don't have much to do apart from spending all the cash they made during the good times. Some of them are on the run and are often spòtted in far away places living it up. To return to Spain would mean prison sentences. But not long ones. Lawyers will keep the case in the courts for years and they will probably be able to take up their previous jobs while awaiting trial.
Lawyers tend to have lots of useful contacts which are called 'enchufes' which means 'plug sockets'.  They are also often owed many favours.

The problem of a surfeit of lawyers is has personally manifested itself by two of them buying up the land which surrounds our olive grove. The latest owner wants us off the land and has tried to buy us out, He is also trying to buy out his colleague who will probably sell if the price is high enough. We just want to grow olives and enjoy the views in one of the most beautiful natural areas in Andalucía. He has also decided the boundary between our properties needs changing. If he gets away with it (and why shouldn't he?) our water supply will be on his land. What a surprise!

Many foreigners living in Spain came here believing that as 'we're all in Europe now' the laws would the same as in the UK. Oh dear.
It appears that if someone steals from another person it is not a crime if he did not intend to keep the proceeds for himself. Strange but true.


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