Monday 29 October 2012

Laser Death Ray Menace Threat to Álora

Laser Death Ray Menace Threat to Álora

The headline in last week's Sur in English read, 'Man arrested for blinding pilots with laser'. As this came under 'Alora news' it had my attention. It reminded me of a headline in the Sunday Sport some years ago, 'Alien bun stole my knickers'. The Sport article was a spoof and a disappointment but the laser story is almost true.
Alora is on the approach path of planes landing in Málaga. At peak periods they come over at one a minute. Pilots have reported being dazzled (not blinded but serious nevertheless) by someone on the ground with a laser pointer. The Guardia Civil patrolled the streets of the next town, Pizarra and caught the culprit red handed, or green handed as it turned out, pointing a green laser beam at an incoming aircraft. He was arrested and charged with violating aerial navigation laws.
I  have seen the beams on the shirts of footballers on the telly so it seems to be a popular prank; but are these laser pointers dangerous or not? So far there is only one reported case of permanent eye damage being caused by 'lasing' and this was by a boy pointing it at himself (!). The Pizarra pointer was aged 45.(a pause here to think of a suitable word for him. Answers to 'Sur in English') and most of the reported convictions for 'lasing' have been by adult men. The green lasers are not readily available and are illegal in many countries. They are the most dangerous. Retinal damage is unlikely unless the beam can be held steady on a fixed point. I hope we all find this reassuring as we turn our eyes to the skies (there's a plane going over at this very moment).

We put the clocks back here last Saturday night so we're still an hour in front of England. Have I mentioned why Spain keeps to GMT +1hour even in the winter even though it should be in the same time zone as the UK?  France, too is one hour ahead but is more to the east of Greenwich and can justify the hour. The story is that Franco changed Spain's time in 1940 to fit in with that of Germany. He was a big fan of Hitler.
Anyway, Andrés who runs the Carnicería and Bar Diaz turned up today just after nine to open the shop/bar. He came into the Ferretería El Pintor, next door as I was buying some strimmer cord and asked why there were so few people in town.  How we laughed.

On Friday night we went along to the Casa de Cultura for the openng of the exhibition of work by a new group which calls itself  'The Independent Artists of Alora'. Food and wine were supplied. Alora is a very arty town. Loads of painters live here and the town holds an annual painting competition for artists from all of Spain. Next year will be the 24th. The paintings are shortlisted by a committee headed by Cristóbal Perez, a local artist who with a world wide reputation. The standard is high and it is rare for a local artist to win the first prize. The 'Independents' are giving a chance to local talent to get their work on the wall.
The evening was a big success. The Alcalde (mayor) and several councillors came as did many of the 'gente bien'  of the town. The mayor is speaking to me now that I have stopped pestering him to put in some drains on our street. I hadn't a clue what he said to me but it didn't include the words 'saneamiento' or 'alcantarilla' (plumbing and drains).




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