Saturday 15 September 2018

The other Vuelta a España. Mr. and Mrs. Sánchez make another comeback.

The other Vuelta a España. Mr. and Mrs. Sánchez make another comeback.

It's great to be back! Mr. and Mrs. Sánchez were welcomed back to Spain with an even more enthusiastic display of emotion than usual and we were just in time for the 'Presidente del Gobierno de España, Pedro Sánchez (no relation) to announce that he would soon be turfing the late Generalisimo Francisco Franco out of his underground mausoleum in El Valle de los Caidos, north of Madrid.

                              El Valle de los Caidos

Known throughout his life for his modesty, self- effacement and intense dislike of publicity Franco celebrated his victory in the Spanish Civil War (1939) by announcing that he was going to build a dirty big stone 150 metre (500 ft.) -high cross in the Guadarrama Hills, just north of Madrid, that you could see from 20 miles (32 km.) away and under it, deep down in the rock, he was going to have a two big tombs built - one for himself and another for his pal José-Antonio Primera de Rivera y Sáenz de Heredía, 1st. Duke of Primo de Rivera, 3rd. Marqess of Estella GE. who founded the Falange Española (the Spanish fascist party).

José Antonio, as he was known to his family, friends, falangists and fascist followers was not consulted about his interment as he had been bumped off by the republicans 3 years earlier. For the time being, like it or not, José Antonio will be staying where he is. He will stay there along with 33,872 dead soldiers mostly from the Nationalist (Franco) side.
                                   General Franco

As you can imagine, the exhumation of Franco  has upset a few people, particularly the ones who turn up every year at the monument on 20th.November to commemorate Franco's death by giving Nazi salutes, singing Falange songs and chanting things like 'Franco no está muerto' ('Franco is not dead'). (he'd be 115) This year they can drop the last word to give; 'Franco no está'. (Franco is not there).
They run a coach from Álora every year. (concessions for pensioners and old soldiers). 

As usual there have been a few changes here in Álora since we left in June but we were not surprised to hear that July and August have been very hot. Here's what you might hear people say after 'Uf!'.........

Qué calor!'(It was so hot)
Era un horno!'(It was like an oven')
'¡Me estaba asando!' (I was roasting')
'¡Hizo tanto calor que los pájaros se cayeron de los árboles!' (It was so hot the birds fell out of the trees)
and ´¡Como pegaba el Lorenzo!' ('The sun was hot)

Even people whose families have lived here for generations seem surprised by the hot weather. 

Listen to me! :
It is always hot in summer in Southern Spain.

Bar News.
 Lo D'Antonio, as expected, has transferred to the 'Jamonería' on Calle Vera Cruz. Antonio now plays his rock music a lot quieter, only serves cold tapas and seems happy enough, but we'll miss the old 'Lo d'Antonio bar which for more than ten years served the best tapas in town (tortillitas de camerones, gambas pil pil ) and was great fun. The only good news is that he's put all the same pictures on the wall and his jamon ibérico is top class.

The old 'Bar Correos' (for those who can remember that far back) on Calle Santa Ana has changed hands again. It's called P&H (Padre y Hijo) and has a creepy chef dummy outside the door. Good luck to them. I've only had a coffee there so far (his drinks prices are a bit lower than across the road in the more fashionable Plaza de la Fuente Arriba´).

I had a big shock when I found Cafe-Bar El Madrugon with closed doors on Friday morning. Not another bankruptcy!
Not a bit of it. Manolo, Javier and María Gracia have had a holiday. No opening at 5.00am every morning for a whole month! They are back open again now. Phew! Manolo seems very relaxed after his well-deserved break although I did spot him with his nuera (daughter in law) , both  looking a bit knackered at 11.55am this Wednesday morning after working 7 hours straight in this weather!

                María Gracia and Manolo having a rest.

I saw Manolo and his señora in a more relaxed mood on Sunday at the Romería. He may look and sound a bit grumpy when he's at work, but catch him on his day off and he's a different man altogether.

Manolo, Mrs. Manolo and an unidentified lady having fun.
(If you look closely you may spot the dodgy dummy chef outside P&H on the left.)

stop press..........not strictly bar news......The eagerly awaited (by some) Indian restaurant, 'Indian Cuisine', has opened just up from Cafetería Los Arcos in the luxurious premises once used by the ill-fated Bar El Lugá. I hope they do better there than El Lugá !  

Mixed reviews have reached the Man in Álora offices but so far nobody has been taken ill and the food tastes good. You can appreciate that after spending 3 months in Birmingham, an Indian restaurant isn't the first thing Mrs. S and I will be visiting in Álora.

The annual Romería (held on the first Sunday after September 8th.) seems to bring out the best in people. Everybody has lots of fun. 

 La Virgen de las Flores passing my sister's flat. (That manta IS a bit shabby).
As I predicted, it didn't rain despite a gloomy forecast. La Virgen de las Flores had a 'Popemobile´at the ready and she was dressed in her second best manta (cloak) por si acaso (just in case).

                          The 'Popemobile' (not needed).

                               People having fun

Our much loved and hard-working alcalde (mayor) José Sánchez (no relation) is looking his age a bit these days. It´s no wonder after nearly 20 years in the job. He was later to be seen serving cervezas to the partying Perotes up at the convent.

                            Sr. and Sra. Alcalde.

 Many of you reading this, especially those in Klonakilty will be wondering how Mrs. Sánchez and I are getting on after our disasterous accidents in April. Well, firstly thanks for asking. We're almost back on form now. We drove up to 'The Valley of Tears' to view the scene of Mrs.S's fall. If you ever go up there, ¡Ten cuidado!

    Mrs.Sánchez and friends inspecting the 'ankle-breaker'

Pie News.

There is never much in the way of pie news in Álora but I do have some news about that close cousin of the pie, The Cornish Pasty. 

Like the Melton Mowbray Pork Pie and Stilton Cheese, the Cornish Pasty is denomination controlé. 

Jill Venables, Head of Facilities at the Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust has decided to replace their traditional shortcrust pastry pasties with less fattening 'filo pastry' pasties or even 'pasta' pasties. There is obviously an obesity issue there in Cornwall and Jill has the answer. Not surpisingly the sick and suffering hospital population down there in Truro doesn't want any of that foreign muck and patients are abandoning their sick-beds in droves for some decent grub.
A spokesperson for The Cornish Pasty Association said;

'We see no reason why Cornish Pasties can not be eaten by anyone as part of a healthy balanced diet.'

Ann Muller, owner of 'the Lizard-based 'Ann's Pasties' (NO thank YOU!) added;

 'My neighbour is 92 years old and he eats pasties regularly. It's not done him any harm'.

A spokesman for the Department of Health has praised the Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust for solving the problem of 'bed-blocking' so imaginatively.

Juanito Sánchez September 15th. 2018



  1. As ever, most informative Señor. FYI, according to a recent Radio 4 article, Greggs are intending to start selling Cornish pasties IN CORNWALL! Sacre bleu, I hear you cry!

  2. Can I asl a q....any idea if they plan and fixing the broken manholes on Veracruz 😣😣

  3. Me disculpará usted, Señor 'renewal renewal'.
    It's taken a long time to arrange an appointment with our much loved and hard-working alcalde José María Sánchez Moreno (no relation). I met with him yesterday in my office in Bar -Cafe Madrugon where he assured me that the problem with the road surface and the clanky manhole covers on Calle Veracruz is of the upmost concern to all his team and he hopes to have solved the matter before the end of October. There was a problem with the glue used to stick down the bricks and manhole covers in the street. He told me in confidence(and I expect you too, in turn, to maintain this confidence) that as part of the deal with DIA% to allow them to deliver goods to their shop on Veracuz the company has agreed to resurface the whole stretch from the kiosco to the Plaza de la Fuente Arriba.
    I hope this has put your mind at rest.
    Un abrazo
    Juanito Sánchez
